Child Safety

Our Statement of Commitment

Rock Your Mind offers our service to children of all ages and are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and maintaining a child safe organisation.

Rock Your Mind understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we have zero tolerance for child abuse.

Rock Your Mind is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation where protecting children from abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of all our staff and contractors.

Rock Your Mind has the following policies and procedures in place to ensure Child Safety which our staff, contractors and participants for our service must adhere to:

  • Child Safety Risk and Controls Procedure

  • Child Safety Statement of Commitment

  • Child Safety Code of Conduct

  • Child Safety Reporting Procedure

  • Child Safety Procurement Clause

All workers of Rock Your Mind must abide by the Child Safety Code of Conduct which specifies the standard of conduct required when working with children.

We ensure all out team who work with children have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) and that there is an appropriate screening process for staff and contractors that work with children.

Please contact Natalie O’Shea on 0414 377 347 or for further enquiries or to request copies of the above policies.